Training tips to teach your puppy

How To Teach Your Puppy To Come?
Making your dog to come is the easiest trick ever.
All you do is hold a treat in your hand and bend over so you're in the dogs reach and say your dogs name and then say "Come" after.

Training tips to teach your puppy

How To Teach Your Puppy To Stay?
Making your dog to stay is a bit hard.
This is how you do it: hold a treat tight in your hand so the dog can taste it but can't take it from you.Tell your dog to "Sit" and quickly move back and then move forward and say "Stay". Then every time you tell your dog to "Stay" go slower and further.

Training tips to teach your puppy

How To Teach Your Puppy To Sit?
Making your dog or puppy to sit isn't hard it is quite simple.
All you do is hold a treat tight in your hand and raise it over your dogs head until their bum hits the ground and once it touches the ground say "Sit".

Training tips to teach your puppy

How To Teach your Puppy To Shake Hands?
Making your dog to shake hands with you is easy.
All you do is have a treat and hold it just above the dog's nose and stay like that. After a while your dog will start tapping your hand and when they do that say "Shake".

Training tips to teach your puppy

How To Teach Your Puppy To Drop a Toy?
Making your dog to drop a toy is very useful because when you chuck the toy for your dog to fetch how do you get it back?
What you do is have a treat and your dog, the dog has a toy in their mouth. Hold the toy and show them the treat and the dog will focus on the treat and drop the toy. When your dog drops it say "Drop".

Training tips to teach your puppy

How To Teach Your Puppy To Fetch?
Making your dog fetch is easy.
All you do is throw a toy and knowing most dogs they will chase it and say "Fetch" every time and your dog will get used to it.

Training tips to teach your puppy

How To Teach Your Puppy To Wee Outside?
Your dog will need to go to the toilet after it wakes up, eats and plays. When you see your dog sniffing around pick them up and put them where you want them to wee. You should have a command word so when you say the command the dog will go and listen: words like hurry up, wee, go and there are lots more.

Training tips to teach your puppy

How To Teach Your Puppy To Walk Properly
Walking your dog properly is important so that the dog doesn't think that it's the dominant one.
Hold the end of the lead in one hand go half way down the lead with the other hand. It should look like your hands are on a bike handle and your dog should be by your side.

Training tips to teach your puppy

Teaching Your Puppy To Get Used To Other Animals?
Making your dog used to other animals is dangerous sometimes. They either want to play or attack the other animal.  What you do is have the dog on a short lead and hold your other animal start doing this as soon as possible when they are young so they get used to them in the house.

Training tips to teach your puppy

Exercise your dog
Exercising your dog is so important.
Exercised dogs are good dogs.You should always exercise your dog so they are fit and don't turn into a badly behaved dog.  You should walk, jog, run, even bike ride with your dog at least once a day. You should normally walk your dog twice a day to have a fit and happy dog.